CS201 MID TERM SOLVED MCQs || PAST PAPERS || GROUP-1 || INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING || VuTech Visit Website For More Solutions www.vutechofficial.blogspot.com …
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Learning Outcomes:
After completing this assignment, the student will be able:
·Understanding of requirements
·Learn to differentiate between Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
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Suppose you are going to build a furniture purchasing application. The furniture purchasing application allows users to search for and purchase various furniture items. The project is made up of a list of furniture items that are exhibited in various types and designs. The customer has the option of browsing these products by category. If a user choose a product, he or she can add it to their shopping cart. The products can be seen in ascending or descending order based on their names and prices.
On each page of this application, an innovative floating cart will appear, displaying the products currently in the cart with the minimum information. First of all, the user must first register with the system before being allowed to view the products. The user can choose from three payment options: debit, credit card, or cash on delivery. The admin will add the products. In the my orders column, the user can check his order history or the progress of the current order. Admin will be responsible to change the status of the orders. This application will help the people to buy the furniture online without wasting their precious time by going to the market.
As you see the above mentioned scenario, keeping in view the major types of Software Requirements for this application, you are required to identify that which requirement is functional and which requirement is non-functional from the following:
The furniture items shall be organized and can be viewed in categories.
Functional Requirement
Filters can be applied to items in ascending or descending order based on their names and prices. The items shall be organized in alphabetical order by default.
Non-Functional Requirement
Application must be maintainable.
Non-Functional Requirement
Users can add furniture items to their shopping carts.
Functional Requirement
Every page of the application will have a floating cart that allows the user to verify their products added into the cart.
Functional Requirement
Application must perform its functionality fast and quickly.
Non-Functional Requirement
To view and purchase products, the user must first register.
Functional Requirement
The user can choose from three payment options: debit, credit card, or cash on delivery by providing the necessary information for each option.
Functional Requirement
The application must be secure.
Non-Functional Requirement
User will login to the system and look at numerous furniture items.
Functional Requirement
In the my orders column, the user can check his order history or the progress of the current order.
Functional Requirement
The overall application reliability depends on the reliability of each component and the root of the reliable system is back up of database which should be continually maintain and update accordingly.
Non-Functional Requirement
The admin will add the products and will be responsible to change the status of the orders.
Functional Requirement
The home page has five items from each category allowing the user to see the app's clarity, and the items should be clickable.
Non-Functional Requirement
Interface of the application must be user-friendly.
Non-Functional Requirements
Assignment No. 01 is covering topics from Week#1 to Week#3. Last date to submit the Assignment No. 01 is Friday, 02 December 2022.
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