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Human Computer Interaction
Solved Mid Term Past Papers
Question No: 1
______ are unintentional while _______ occur through conscious
a) Slips, mistakes
b) Errors, slips
c) Mistakes, errors
d) Mistakes, slips
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'a'.
Question No: 2
What is the main strength of the Problem Space Framework as a model of
human problem solving?
a) It operates within the constraints of the human processing
b) It explains what is involved in insight
c) It allows ill-defined problems to be solved
d) None of these
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'a'.
Question No: 3
_______ is the process of selecting things to concentrate on, at a
point in time, from the range of possibilities available.
a) Perception and recognition
b) Attention
c) Learning
d) None of these
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'b'.
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Question No: 4
Interpretation inquiry, according to Beyer and Holtzblatt, is based on a
master-apprentice model of learning.
a) True
b) False
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'b'.
Question No: 5
The persona is not an actual user of the product, but is indirectly
affected by it and its use refers to ________ persona
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Served
d) Negative
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'c'.
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Question No: 6
_______ is a powerful, multipurpose design tool that helps overcome several
problems that currently plague the development of digital products.
a) Scenario
b) Persona
c) Prototype
d) None of these
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'b'.
Question No: 7
The difference between the intentions and allowable actions is the
a) Gulf of Execution
b) Gulf of Evaluation
c) None of these
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'a'.
Question No: 8
Attention is the process of selecting things to concentrate on, at a point
in time, from the range of
a) Possibilities available
b) Time Available
c) None of these
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'a'.
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Question No: 9
The goals of HCI are
a) Usability and User Experience
b) Learn ability and Comfort
c) Tasks and Goals
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'a'.
Question No: 10
WYSIWYG stands for ________ .
a) Where you see is where you get
b) What you see is what you get
c) When you see it when you get
d) None of the above
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'b'.
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