CS201 MID TERM SOLVED MCQs || PAST PAPERS || GROUP-1 || INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING || VuTech Visit Website For More Solutions www.vutechofficial.blogspot.com …
Suppose there are five different companies working in Pakistan,
namely company V, W, X, Yand Z. Each
of the five companies follow a different market philosophy based on its missions,vision, goals and objectives. ‘Company V’
focuses on the being more effective than competitorsin creating, delivering and communicating consumer value to the
chosen target. On the otherhand
‘Company W’ concentrates on achieving high production efficiency, lower costs
and massdistribution.Thecompany
assumesthatconsumers areonlyinterestedinproduct
availabilityandlow prices. The aim of ‘Company X’ is to
sell what they can make rather than focusing on whatthe market needs with the emphasizes on aggressive selling and
high promotional back up.‘Company Y’
focuses on factors like environmental deterioration, resource shortage,
explosivepopulation growth, poverty,
hunger etc in addition to focusing onthe
needs, wants as well asvalue
delivery to consumers. Whereas, ‘Company Z’ focuses its attention towards
makingproducts more superior and
keep improving the products. This company assumes that consumersadmireandpreferwell-madeproductsand appraise qualityandperformance.
1.As per the provided scenario, identify the
types of market orientation/philosophybeingfollowedby followingcompanies:(2x5=10marks)
The Marketing Concept
The Production Concept
The Selling Concept
The Societal Concept
The Product Concept
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